Counties of Teochew, Swatow, Tenghai, Teoyeo is mostly covered. We can see that the core of the Teochew region is covered. And we can use Micro DEM's Mercator projection grid to cut out an 64 km x 64 km portion, which is similar to the following region. Then we can transform DEM data to large graphics. We need to know about this during transformation. The darkest 1/3 is seabed, the whitest 2/3 is above the sea level. Notice that in SimCity, we use the darkness to represet elevation. At the same time we can transform the graph to the grayscale accetable by SimCity 4: So we can use MicroDEM's shoreline recognization functionality. So for you guys, it is still not obvious that this is the DEM data of Teochew region. Then if we use free software MicroDEM to open the transformed data, it becomes: Then we can download FWTools, transform the DEM data from img format to more friendly GeoTiff format: We can already see mountains like Noihue Mountain and the Grand South Mountain.=v=. It's obvious that this is the Teochew region. Besides img format DEM data, we got a preview graph like this:

You can download it US Geological Survey's mirror site. I downloaded from a mirror site in Chinese acadamy of science. An then a screanshot of the gaming screen, This is the Swatow city center:įirstly I downloaded NASA's ASTER GDEM data. So Sinya uses great Teochew's map to make a super large Simcity 4 game map.įirstly I will give you the download link. After getting tired of Boston and San Francisco maps I found the game less interesting.